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The acclaimed quick-reference guide to the diagnosis and treatment of fetal abnormalities - completely updated in full color
Structural Fetal Abnormalities delivers practical, authoritative coverage of the detection and treatment of more than 100 of the most common fetal anomalies, grouped by organ system, and discussed in concise, bulleted text. This unique resource puts at your fingertips valuable content that includes the features of a condition, its differential diagnosis, how to manage the pregnancy, and what to expect in the neonatal period and beyond.
Each condition and syndrome discussed is presented in a standardized fashion with input from experienced clinicians in many different specialties, including maternal-fetal medicine, genetics, sonography, neonatology, pediatric cardiology, and pediatric surgery. This edition has been updated to include all new images that demonstrate many of the new and improved technologies, including 3-D and power Doppler.
Conditions were selected for inclusion in the book because they are relatively common, or have distinctive features that allow definitive recognition
Includes numerous high-quality ultrasound images and photographs of the fetus or infant
Each section has an updated bibliography of suggested readings to provide you with a source of greater detail for each condition
Completely updated sections on important topics such as genetic etiologies of the structural malformations, reflecting the rapid advances in genomics and molecular diagnostics that have occurred over the past decade
Consistent, efficient templated chapter structure covers important topics such as Epidemiology/Genetics, Sonography, Pregnancy Management, Neonatal Management, Interventions, and Surgical Options
Hundreds of sonographic and gross clinical images illustrate the common features expected of each condition.
Valuable appendices include Differential Diagnosis of Abnormal in Utero Sonographic Findings and Sonographic Features of Other Less Common Syndromes
W. Allen Hogge, MD is Professor and Chair, Emeritus, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Services, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center; and Clinical Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia
Assistant Editors
Barbara Cohlan, MD is Director of the Newborn Nurseries, Department of Pediatrics, University of Pittsburgh, Magee-Womens Hospital/Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Isabelle Wilkins, MD is Professor and Vice-Chair, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences, University of Pittsburgh/Magee-Womens Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Lyndon Hill, MD is Professor, Emeritus, Former Director, Division of Ultrasound, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences, University of Pittsburgh/Magee-Womens Hospital, Pittsburgh,