Introduction | p. 9 |
"Satan Doesn't Exist!" | p. 17 |
This is the "out of sight, out of mind" lie | |
Through it Satan hides his own activity from us | |
This lie devalues salvation, faith, and Scripture | |
Satan wins if he can blind our minds to our bondage | |
"Why Would God Worry About You? You're Worthless!" | p. 29 |
This is the "you=zero" lie | |
Through it Satan attacks our personal esteem-self-worth | |
This lie devalues you, God's care for you, and life itself | |
Satan wins if he can make you a cog-a cipher-a nothing | |
"If There Is a God, He Must Be Evil!" | p. 41 |
This is the "blame it on the big guy" lie | |
Through it Satan reverses the blame, turning truth upside down | |
This lie devalues creation, creativity, and spirituality | |
Satan wins if he can make you think God wears a black hat | |
"Go Ahead and Sin! Nobody Has to Know..." | p. 53 |
This is the "I'll never tell" lie | |
Through it Satan promises freedom from all penalties | |
This lie devalues righteousness, responsibility, and judgment | |
Satan wins if he can make you play ostrich while others see | |
"Not Even God Can Forgive What You Did!" | p. 67 |
This is the "the cross is a farce" lie | |
Through it Satan piles on the guilt God wants to forgive | |
This lie devalues the cross, grace, and Scripture | |
Satan wins if he can render you too ashamed to even approach God | |
"God Plays Favorites!" | p. 79 |
This is the "look out for number 1!" lie | |
Through it Satan encourages comparison and competition | |
This lie devalues Christian unity, current blessings, and God's love | |
Satan wins if he can destroy your peace-internally and externally | |
"Why Try? You Can't Make a Difference!" | p. 91 |
This is the "throw in the towel" lie | |
Through it Satan attacks meaning and purpose in life | |
This lie devalues the Holy Spirit's power, God's plan, and your work | |
Satan wins if he can cut your effectiveness as an agent for change | |
"It's Your Life!" | p. 103 |
This is the "I did it my way" lie | |
Through it Satan inflates your ego and inflames your anger at limits | |
This lie devalues the feelings of others, order, cooperation, rules | |
Satan wins if he can make you a raging bull in the world's china shop | |
"Just This Once-You Deserve a Break Today!" | p. 115 |
This is the "bet you can't eat one" lie | |
Through it Satan gives permission to sin-and opens the door to more | |
This lie devalues discipline, consistency, integrity, and honesty | |
Satan wins if he can create guilt, self-loathing-a sense of failure | |
"God Is Not Able to Keep Promises, So You'd Better Help Out" | p. 127 |
This is the "if you want something done right" lie | |
Through it Satan undercuts faith while encouraging self-dependence | |
This lie devalues providence, the Holy Spirit, Scripture | |
Satan wins if he can make you feel weary, defeated, and faithless | |
"Aren't You Glad You're So Mature? Don't You Wish Everyone Was?" | p. 139 |
This is the "spiritual superiority" lie | |
Through it Satan encourages spiritual complacency | |
This lie devalues other Christians, other ideas-in short, the church | |
Satan wins if he can remove all accountability to other Christians | |
"God Is Powerless to Help You" | p. 151 |
This is the "curse God and die" lie | |
Through it Satan destroys hope, and encourages spiritual suicide | |
This lie devalues God's power, Christ's sacrifice-all relationships | |
Satan wins if he can make you feel abandoned-a helpless victim | |
"You Can Be Like God!" | p. 161 |
This is the "have a bite of apple" lie | |
Through it Satan encourages worship of the human self | |
This lie devalues God, creation, Christ, sin, grace-everything | |
Satan wins if he can make you exalt yourself-and him | |
Afterword | p. 171 |
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