This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. Dental cases form a significant part of any general practitioner's case load. Small Animal Dentistry will help practitioners to handle these cases in an effective way, minimising the frustrations and stress that can be associated with unsatisfactory technique. It will also help to identify what is possible and practical for the general practitioner and what is best left to a referral specialist.
- Unique new cased-based approach relating essential theory to clinical practice
- Modern, highly designed and illustrated so key information can be seen at a glance
- Self testing, MCQs and remediation means these books are ideally suited for CPD or as an exam revision aid
- Essential for all general small animal veterinary practitioners and students
This is a series of must-have practical handbooks covering specific veterinary problems using a unique, consistent, cased-based approach. From simple routine first opinion cases to referrals and more complex clinical scenarios, the series provides the essential knowledge that will lead to improved skills and practice for veterinary practitioners undertaking clinical professional development or students nearing the end of their courses and needing a vital examination revision aid.
- New case-based approach helps relate essential theory to the real world of the busy clinic
- Each case outlines: initial presentation, clinical signs, examination techniques, differential diagnoses, treatment options, clinical tips and relevant nursing information
- Highly illustrated using full colour throughout so key information can be found at a glance
- Numerous self-assessment tests and multiple choice questions with remediation
- Ideally suited for CPD and as an exam revision aid
Industry Reviews
"This book should be used in every place where veterinary dentistry is considered as a challenge and as something more than just teeth scaling. (...) A very important strength of this publication is that it emphasises the links between oral and general health. The reader will be greatly impressed with all 260 pages which contain numerous appropriate pictures, drawings, and radiographs. (...) All in all, the book is an excellent educational tool and can be highly recommended to the general practitioner." - The European Journal of Companion Animal Practice, April 2009 "THE first impression of the splash-proof cover of this book is that it is another how-to-do-it recipe book, ideally protected against the splatter of the struggle to extract a stubborn fractured tooth root. The inclusion of a brief theory refresher as part of the discussion of each condition is helpful, and reminds general practitioners of the scientific basis of clinical interpretation. In general, the photographs and illustrations are of a high quality and illustrate the cases well. " Saunderssolutionsin veterinary practice: small animal dentistry October 2009