Saving Social Care : How to find more of the best frontline care employees and keep the ones you have - Neil Eastwood

Saving Social Care

How to find more of the best frontline care employees and keep the ones you have

By: Neil Eastwood

Paperback | 22 May 2017

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Recruiting and retaining a caring workforce to keep pace with the needs of an ageing society is one of the greatest challenges we face. At the same time, traditional methods of finding suitable care staff are delivering diminishing returns. We urgently need new ways of finding and keeping the compassionate and loyal care workers of tomorrow.

The future of every care provider depends on solving this problem fast. Start now by reading this book.

When you’ve read Saving Social Care, you will be able to:

  • Know exactly who your perfect care worker candidate is
  • Tap in to secret sources of new staff in your community
  • Optimise your recruitment process to reduce wastage
  • Spot ‘high potential’ applicants – and avoid troublemakers – much faster
  • Discover 20 proven retention techniques to minimise care staff loss
Industry Reviews

“A vital resource for any care provider.”
Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive: Care England

“Full of insightful suggestions and practical tips.”
Patrick Hall, Fellow, Social Care Policy, The King’s Fund

“This book has something for even the most experienced HR leader.”
Vic Rayner, Executive Director, National Care Forum

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