School Zone Addition & Subtraction Grades 1-2 Workbook : I Know It! - School Zone

School Zone Addition & Subtraction Grades 1-2 Workbook

By: School Zone

Paperback | 26 June 2019

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It's a fact When your child understands and develops key skills, math can be more fun and a lot less stressful. In Addition & Subtraction Grades 1-2 Deluxe Edition, you'll find hundreds of math facts for fast, fun learning, with clear instructions and step-by step examples for you and your child to follow. The workbook is aligned with the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics a comprehensive and progressive set of learning objectives created to help students succeed in math. At the bottom of each workbook page is a cross-reference to the Common Core grade level and "domain" or skill area that the activity practices. The workbook is also consistent with Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, a publication by the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), and it is compatible with Singapore math pedagogy. The lessons are planned in learning sequence; skills introduced in one lesson build on those taught in previous lessons. It's a perfect way to introduce, review, and maintain essential math skills. Get a math edge with the School Zone Advantage

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