Schumpeter on the Economics of Innovation and the Development of Capitalism - Arnold Heertje

Schumpeter on the Economics of Innovation and the Development of Capitalism

By: Arnold Heertje


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Offers an insight into the life and work of Joseph A Schumpeter. Bringing together a collection of his essays, this work provides an overview of Schumpeter's life, his work and methodological approach.
Industry Reviews
'I think that Heertje's book presents interesting debates initiated by the work of Schumpeter. . . I fully recommend Arnold Heertje's book. Moreover, readers who want to buy a book on Schumpeter for their library would do well purchasing this collection of reprinted essays written by Arnold Heertje.' -- Falko Juessen, Papers in Regional Science
'. . . a vivid and engaging account of Schumpeter's approach to major social and economic issues and methodology, and his empirical research on economic dynamics and technical change. . . . an invaluable contribution to the academic debates on Schumpeter's ideas, and will be essential reading for advanced undergraduates, post-graduates and academics studying the history and theory of political economy.' -- Rachel S. Turner, Political Studies Review
'The book offers a solid introduction to the insights of Schumpeter's vision, as well as an interesting firsthand account on the evolution of Schumpeter's influence within economics over the past several decades . . . On the whole, this book offers a nice presentation of Schumpeter's views on technical change, innovation, and entrepreneurs form one of the leading scholars on Schumpeter's life and work. The book will certainly be of value to scholars of Schumpeter, but will also be of interest to novice-Schumpeterians interested in a concise and accessible critique on Schumpeter's work.' -- Mark W. Frank, EH.Net

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