When my late husband and I moved off-grid, we rented property. The previous owners had seals in the middle of the Mojave Desert. The seals clearly did not belong there.
You may be unaware that you are stuck, when you do not know better.
Our traumas are like building blocks that we use to create walls of a mental prison which effectively becomes the life that we know.
Often, the walls are so very clear that even we may not notice them. But our inner voice keeps telling us that we must escape to find where we belong.
The problem is that we don't know how to communicate it all to ourselves, let alone to our closest loved ones.
This book is about naming, claiming, and taming that feeling of being stuck. Hopefully it will help every seal to get out of the desert and find their ideal ocean.
Although this story is a tough one, it sheds a much needed light on emotional and mental abuse. I hope you enjoy this memoir in which healing and growing resilience triumph.