'Carlos Martᅢᆳn-Vide'
Carlos Martin-Vide and Victor Mitrana
Carlos Martin-Vide, Victor Mitrana and Gheorghe P?un
Gemma Bel-Enguix, M Dolores Jiménez-López and Carlos Martin-Vide
Adrian-Horia Dediu, Carlos MartÃn-Vide and Bianca Truthe
Carlos MartÃn-Vide and V. Mitrana
Adrian-Horia Dediu, Manuel Lozano and Carlos MartÃn-Vide
Frank Drewes, Carlos Martín-Vide and Bianca Truthe
Daniel Figueiredo, Carlos Martín-Vide and Diogo Pratas
Adrian-Horia Dediu, Carlos Martín-Vide and José-Luis Sierra-Rodríguez
Adrian-Horia Dediu, Enrico Formenti and Carlos Martín-Vide
Carlos Martín-Vide, Takaaki Mizuki and Miguel A. Vega-Rodríguez
Shmuel Tomi Klein, Carlos Martín-Vide and Dana Shapira
Jesper Jansson, Carlos Martín-Vide and Miguel A. Vega-Rodríguez
Carlos Martín-Vide, Giancarlo Mauri and Gheorghe Paun
Carlos Martin-Vide, Friedrich Otto and Henning Fernau
Adrian-Horia Dediu, Carlos Martín-Vide and Bianca Truthe
Carlos MartÃn-Vide, Matthew Purver and Senja Pollak
Carlos MartÃn-Vide, Geoffrey Pond and Miguel A. Vega-RodrÃguez
Thierry Dutoit, Carlos Martín-Vide and Gueorgui Pironkov
David Fagan, Carlos Martín-Vide and Michael O'Neill
Carlos Martín-Vide, Alexander Okhotin and Dana Shapira
Alberto Leporati, Carlos Martín-Vide and Dana Shapira
Claus Aranha, Carlos MartÃn-Vide and Miguel A. Vega-RodrÃguez
Carlos Martín-Vide, Miguel A. Vega-Rodríguez and Travis Wheeler
Adrian-Horia Dediu, Carlos Martín-Vide and Klára Vicsi