Theoretical Perspectives on Self- and Social-Regulation
Stuart I. Hammond, Maximilian B. Bibok, and Jeremy I. M. Carpendale
Chapter 1
Executive Function: Description and Explanation
Anthony Steven Dick and Willis F. Overton
Chapter 2
Executive Function: Theoretical Concerns
Jack Martin and Laura Failows
Chapter 3
Vygotsky, Luria, and the Social Brain
Charles Fernyhough
Chapter 4
Epistemic Flow and the Social Making of Minds
Charlie Lewis, Jeremy Carpendale, John Towse, and Katerina Maridaki-Kassotaki
Chapter 5
Developments and Regressions in Rule Use: The Case of Zenadine Zidane
Jacob A. Burack, Natalie Russo, Tammy Dawkins, and Mariëtte Huizinga
Chapter 6
The Development of Self-Regulation: A Neuropsychological Perspective
Marianne Hrabok and Kimberly A. Kerns
Chapter 7
Working Memory in Infancy and Early Childhood: What Develops?
Maureen Hoskyn
Social Understanding and Self-Regulation: From Perspective-Taking to Theory-of-Mind and Back
Bryan W. Sokol, James Allen, Snjezana Huerta, and Ulrich Müller
Chapter 8
Object-Based Set-Shifting in Preschoolers: Relations to Theory of Mind
Daniela Kloo, Josef Perner, and Thomas Giritzer
Chapter 9
Clarifying the Relation between Executive Function and Children's Theories of Mind
Louis J. Moses and Deniz Tahiroglu
Chapter 10
The Developmental Relations between Perspective Taking and Prosocial Behaviors: A Meta-Analytic Examination of the Task-Specificity Hypothesis
Gustavo Carlo, George P. Knight, Meredith McGinley, Rebecca Goodvin, and Scott C. Roesch
Chapter 11
The Development of Future Oriented Decision-Making
Chris Moore
Self-regulation in Social Contexts: Parents, Peers, and Individual Differences
Arlene R. Young, Dagmar Bernstein, and Grace Iarocci
Chapter 12
A Bidirectional View of Executive Function and Social Interaction
Suzanne Hala, Penny Pexman, Emma Climie, Kristin Rostad and Melanie Glenwright
Chapter 13
Underpinning Collaborative Learning
Emma Flynn
Chapter 14
Psychological Distancing in the Development of Executive Function and Emotion Regulation
Gerald F. Giesbrecht, Ulrich Müller, and Michael R. Miller
Chapter 15
Emotional Contributions to the Development of Executive Functions in the Family Context
Susan M. Perez and Mary Gauvain
Chapter 16
Early Social and Cognitive Precursors and Parental Support For Self-Regulation and Executive Function: Relations from Early Childhood into Adolescence
Susan H. Landry and Karen E. Smith
Chapter 17
Do Early Social Cognition and Executive Function Predict Individual Differences in Preschoolers' Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior?
Claire Hughes and Rosie Ensor