Sex and the City Playing Cards - Chantel de Sousa

Sex and the City Playing Cards

By: Chantel de Sousa (Illustrator)

Card or Card Deck | 1 October 2020

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Imagine playing a round of Texas hold ’em, but when you reveal your hand, there are the iconic smiles of Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha, from TV’s Sex and the City! Well, imagine no longer – just pick up your set of Sex and the City Playing Cards.

The hit romance-slash-comedy-drama, based on Candace Bushnell’s book of the same name, first aired in 1998. Through our lens in 2020, its politics might raise the occasional eyebrow, but 22 years ago, Carrie, Charlotte, Samantha and Miranda were pushing the envelope. And we still love them for it.

This deck of cards is a great gift for superfans of the show. Printed on high-quality card material, the deck is a standard poker set, with the four classic suits. Each celebrates a different character – Carrie is diamonds, Charlotte is hearts, Miranda is clubs and Samantha is spades. Naturally, Stanford Blatch is the joker card.

About the Author

Chantel de Sousa is an Australian illustrator and queen of pop culture. Her previous books include Thank You for Being a Friend, I’ll Be There for You, Yada Yada Yada, Will & Grace & Jack & Karen and The Beatles A–Z. She has also illustrated the Will & Grace Playing Cards, Seinfeld Playing Cards, Friends Playing Cards, and Golden Girls Tarot Cards, all released by Smith Street Gift.

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