Shadow of the Thylacine : One Man's Epic Search for the Tasmanian Tiger - Col Bailey

Shadow of the Thylacine

One Man's Epic Search for the Tasmanian Tiger

By: Col Bailey

eBook | 1 May 2013

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Shadow of the Thylacine is the haunting story of

Col Bailey's relentless search for the Tasmanian tiger.

His extensive journey commenced unexpectedly in 1967 when he sighted a Tasmanian tiger along the shores of the Coorong in South Australia.

Then, in 1993, a chance encounter with an elderly bushman unlocked a wealth of previously untold information that led Col into the vast and

untrodden wilderness of Tasmania's Weld Valley.

Now the truth of this significant discovery can be revealed in this tell-all book about an animal the experts claim is long extinct and couldn't possibly still exist.

This is a thrilling Australian story.


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