Silence - Lemniscates


By: Lemniscates

Hardcover | 14 May 2012

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What can you hear when you are completely silent?

Beautifully illustrated and gently written, Silence encourages children to stop, listen, and reflect on their experiences and the world around them. Using qualities of mindfulness, readers are asked to pay attention to what otherwise gets drowned-out in our noisy environment and use those sounds as a means to develop imagination and curiosity, and learn a little more about themselves.

About the Author

Lemniscates is a professional studio of illustration established in Barcelona. With many years of experience behind illustrating books for the most prestigious children books publishers both in Catalonia and abroad, Lemniscates began in 2010 to create its own complete children's books projects. The aim of Lemniscates's books is to stimulate children's talent by creating stories with tenderness and imagination and at the same time stories that deal with real life.
Industry Reviews
This wonderful book developed by a studio of artists and designers in Barcelona is for children four through eight years of age. It makes a good case for silence and being really present with our bodies, the natural world, the seasons, and the reports of the senses." -Spirituality & Practice

"This eloquent book, collaboratively illustrated by the Lemniscates studio of artists and designers, invites readers to listen to what they hear during quiet moments...This is a lovely book to share with a child - or with anyone between 2 and 102." -Denver Post

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