"Peter Dziuban's book, Simply Notice is simply one of the best in the growing category of books leading us to our innermost nature as consciousness, awareness. Why? Because it offers a cornucopia of everyday life experiences, common to us all, wherein the direct experience of pure awareness or 'nonduality' is noticed, enlivened and lived, within and without. The results include greater harmony, inner peace, less reactivity, more stability and a deeper connection with one's self and the world. Simply Notice is a work I will turn to again and again."
-John Raatz, Principal, The Visioneering Group, and Founder, Global Alliance for Transformational Entertainment (GATE)
"Simply Noticing is like one big exercise in paying attention that is effortless and natural. And simple. The author persistently invites you to notice thoughts, feelings, sensations, objects, body, while leading you on an adventure of discovery of what you really are. To read this book is to experience it, which is a rare achievement for any work."
-Jerry Katz, Nonduality.com
"What Peter Dziuban does so eloquently in Simply Notice is to show that Alive Presence is what we really are, and that all that we think is real, is really an illusion, albeit an extremely convincing one. Through the logical pointers so carefully constructed by the author, you will definitely have the means to see through the illusion of a world of separate objects characterised by time, space, and fear. As an academic trying to lead my very educated audiences to see the truth of what's really going on, I most often fail. The illusion holds fast. With Simply Notice we now have a tool that should make the task of unmasking the unreal that much easier. This book is highly recommended."
-Professor Kriben Pillay, Dean of Teaching and Learning, College of Law and Management Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa
"If there was ever a step-by-step 'how to' book for releasing a bodybased, thought limited reality, this is it. Peter Dziuban guides you on an experiential path awakening you to life's un-restrainable, infinite love---the love you are. This book is brilliant and perfect for those who may be new to spiritual literature. It's a fine accompaniment to his earlier Consciousness Is All."
-Sherry Harris, Psychotherapist, Spiritual Counselor
"Simply Notice is a wonderful, easy read. I felt like I was being communicated with, rather than being talked down to. Its simple style and poetic intelligence give the feeling of receiving a letter from a friend or loved one, inviting you to simply notice how marvelous you already are."
-Julian Christopher, Actor, Vancouver, BC