Sit Down, Be Quiet : A Modern Guide to Yoga and Mindful Living - Michael James Wong

Sit Down, Be Quiet

A Modern Guide to Yoga and Mindful Living

By: Michael James Wong

Paperback | 18 April 2018

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‘Some guys think yoga makes you less of a man, the truth is it makes you a better one.’

In today’s society, being a man is overrated. There is a set of unspoken rules that govern the way men are supposed to act and behave – act tough, don’t cry, win at all costs and these Rules are passed down from generation to generation. BUT a shift has happened and the world has opened up to a more conscious way of living, a more compassionate way of living.

Boys of Yoga’s Sit Down, Be Quiet is a straightforward book for the modern male who’s ready to step in and start taking control of their own identity and mental well-being. It’s time to smash the stereotypes and appreciate that It’s cool to be kind, self- aware and non-judgemental. Through practising yoga – working inside as well as out and adopting mindful approach to the everyday this book celebrates the way in which guys can take the first steps to a healthier, happier life in the here and now.

About the Author

Michael James Wong is a culture and lifestyle consultant, International yoga teacher and founder of Boys of Yoga. Boys of Yoga is a global movement helping to challenge and shift stereotypes of men in yoga. Michael is a leading voice in the modern wellness world. He lectures throughout US, UK, Europe, Asia, Australia and NZ, leading classes, talks and events across the world.
Industry Reviews

'I love it! Sit Down, Be Quiet is fantastic. I love the message of BOYS OF YOGA and the new conversation they're bringing to the world.' - Katie Strick, Feature Writer, Evening Standard

'Michael James Wong has started a movement that is a true connection point for our global community helping to give a voice to all the guys out there ready to step onto the mat. As a man, having the confidence in a spandex world isn't easy, but it just got a lot easier with Boys of Yoga leading the way.'- Alan Steel, Wanderlust UK

'Boys of Yoga has opened the floodgates of yoga to dudes around the globe! The BOYS movement, spearheaded by Michael James Wong, is edgy, exciting, raw, real, and sexy!! As an instructor who has been on the yoga path for nearly 15 years, it's inspiring to see yoga presented in a way that is inclusive for ALL!!!' - Tavis Eliot, International Yoga Teacher and Founder of Holistic Flow Yoga

'It is an invitation to "Boys" and men alike to jump in to the great practice of Yoga. It is pretty and raw, smart and sweet. You'll love it, too.' - Annie Carpenter, Yoga Teacher & Founder of SmartFlow Yoga

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