Sleep Better : The Science And The Myths - Graham Law

Sleep Better

The Science And The Myths

By: Graham Law, Shane Pascoe

Paperback | 15 June 2017 | Edition Number 1

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Scientific research into sleep has dramatically increased during the past decade, with greater understanding of the hormonal and brain activity during sleep which has a key influence on your health and wellbeing.

This expert, accessible book presents a combination of sleep hygiene, evidence-based techniques, psychological skills, and mindfulness practices to help improve your sleep. It examines common myths and stereotypes which may damage your chances of sleeping well, and gives tips for dealing with your sleep problems effectively.

About the Authors

Professor Graham Law is Associate Professor at the Leeds School of Medicine, where he leads the Division of Epidemiology & Biostatistics. He is director of the Sound Asleep Laboratory, and is Honorary Secretary of the British Sleep Society.

Dr Shane Pascoe is a psychologist at the University of Newcastle, Australia.

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