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Slutdom : Reclaiming shame-free sexuality - Hilary Caldwell


Reclaiming shame-free sexuality

By: Hilary Caldwell

Paperback | 2 July 2024

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Sex should be good for everyone. Slutdom argues for a world without sexual shame where you can get what you need - and deserve.

'When women are enjoying better sex, the people they have sex with will too. Sexual equality is good for everyone.'

Despite decades of activism, women are still burdened with the effects of slut shaming in everyday life. Finally, there is a book that argues convincingly and passionately for women's enjoyment of sex as a force to advance gender equality.

Delving into topics such as pleasure, pain, empowerment, and including real women's stories and saucy tips, sexologist, academic and sex worker Hilary Caldwell is uniquely placed to understand what women want - and, importantly, what women deserve.

Deeply researched and drawn from the author's own life experience, Slutdom is controversial, celebratory and courageous.

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