Ch. 1. Money and the World it Creates 7 Astounding Facts on Polarization of Wealth and Poverty The Dominant Class Economy, Society, Culture, and Polity: The Four Principal Means of Plutocratic RuleCh. 2. The Political Economy of Financialization and Its Consequences 15 Crisis Financial Instruments, not Jobs, Schools, or Clean Energy The Norm of Economic Stagnation Income/Wealth Distribution and StagnationCh. 3. Degenerative Development and Class Transformation 24 The Working Class Today The Under Class of Immiserated Peoples The Formation of the Middle Class The Intermediate Class and its Fractions Internationalization, Accumulation, and Class Accumulation and the StateCh. 4. Ideology as the Root of Plutocratic Rule 36 Subverting Consciousness The Culture of Fear Cultural Myth and Fear Fear and Scapegoating Fear. Endless Fear The Subtle Side of Fear Capitalism and Morality Confronting Fear Ch. 5. The Ruling Class Rules by Subordinating Government to the Sway of Money 49 Plutocracy The State of National Insecurity The Lesser Evil Limitations to the Subjugation of the State to PlutocracyCh. 6. Rule by Divide and Conquer 55 Ideology and Class Relations. Allies and Enemies of Real Change Plutocrats and Their Servants Get Off on Subordinating Women Global Women's Strike International Demands Stratification of the Working Class Immigrant Labor and Scapegoating The Interconnections of Racism, Sexism, Scapegoating, and Other Evils in the Reproduction of the SystemCh. 7. The Ultimate Means of the Rule of Capital: Repression, Terror, and War 66 Imperial Ambition and War On the Infamous Satan Hussein A Super Rogue State Clear as Mud Libya, One Nationalist Down, a Nation Destroyed, ISIS Up Death Squads Fascism, Ameri an StyleCh. 8. Globalization of Capital and its Ideologically Framed Policies 86 Skimming Recent History Neoliberalism and Globalization More on Global Reach: The U.S. Federal Reserve, Finance Capital and Global Speculation The European Union. The Modern Odyssey of Greece The Ukrainian Travesty Free Trade Has a High Price Socialism for the 21st Century Viva Cuba! Class Relations and Globalization, Latin America Goose-stepping Toward Hegemony Transition to Democracy of the 1990s and Breaking Out in the 2000s Latin America, Local Oligarchs and U.S. Intervention Challenges to Development and Achieving a Just Society Ch. 9. A Summary of Strategic Considerations 116 Consciousness: The Dialectic of What is and What Ought to Be Class Forces to Work Toward a Counter-Hegemony The Working Class and Unions The Under Class and Minorities: Protest and Rebellion Ambiguous Role of the Middle Class Division Among Capitalists Youth and Social Change Ch. 10. Confronting What Is to Achieve Counter-Hegemony 131 Fear, War, and Official Terrorism CIA: Central Intelligence Assassins Curbing Terror and War War Crimes, Historical Parallels Degenerative Development and the Environment Combating Racism: Criminalization of Poverty and the Reform of the Criminal Justice System Nationalization of Banks and Worker/Public Control of Bankrupt Firms Class Organization to Extend Social Programs Universal Health care as a Central Demand Quality Education at all Levels and Free Higher EducationCh. 11. Some Tactical Considerations 146 Demand the Impossible Obstruction/Disruption as Tactical Advantage Prioritizing Demands The Limits of Reform Electoral Politics Boycotts, Divestment, and Sanctions Campaigns