Covering colloids, polymers, surfactant phases, emulsions, and granular media, Soft and Fragile Matter: Nonequilibrium Dynamics, Metastability and Flow (PBK) provides self-contained and pedagogical coverage of the rapidly advancing field of systems driven out of equilibrium, with a strong emphasis on unifying conceptual principles rather than material-specific details.
Written by internationally recognized experts, the book contains introductions at the level of a graduate course in soft condensed matter and statistical physics to the following areas: experimental techniques, polymers, rheology, colloids, computer simulation, surfactants, phase separation kinetics, driven systems, structural glasses, slow dynamics, and granular materials. These topics lead to a range of exciting applications at the forefront of current research, including microplasticity of emulsions, sequence design of copolymers, branched polymer dynamics, nucleation kinetics in colloids, multiscale modeling, flow-induced surfactant textures, fluid demixing under shear, two-time correlation functions, chaotic sedimentation dynamics, and sound propagation in powders.
Balancing theory, simulation, and experiment, this broadly-based, pedagogical account of a rapidly developing field is an excellent compendium for graduate students and researchers in condensed matter physics, materials science, and physical chemistry.
Industry Reviews
"In the book are collected papers in which the main ideas of soft-matter and fragile-matter physics are elucidated, and eloquent examples of systems investigated experimentally, theoretically, and in computer simulations are described. The papers are written by distinguished experts. . . Overall, the book is a nice introduction to soft-matter and fragile-matter physics. The book is (as the School was) addressed first of all to newcomers to this fascinating field. But even experienced experts can find new results and ideas in this book. In addition, university lecturers can easily use the review papers to help them in their job because the papers are arranged in a nice didactic fashion." Oleksandr Bakai in High Temperatures - High Pressures" .. an excellent book" Rheology Bulletin book are collected papers in which the main ideas of soft-matter and fragile-matter physics are elucidated, and eloquent examples of systems investigated experimentally, theoretically, and in computer simulations are described. The papers are written by distinguished experts. . . Overall, the book is a nice introduction to soft-matter and fragile-matter physics. The book is (as the School was) addressed first of all to newcomers to this fascinating field. But even experienced experts can find new results and ideas in this book. In addition, university lecturers can easily use the review papers to help them in their job because the papers are arranged in a nice didactic fashion." Oleksandr Bakai in High Temperatures - High Pressures" .. an excellent book" Rheology Bulletin