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Sorting Out Your Finances For Dummies, Australian Edition : For Dummies - Barbara Drury

Sorting Out Your Finances For Dummies, Australian Edition

By: Barbara Drury

Paperback | 1 April 2008 | Edition Number 1

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Turn over a new leaf, painlessly and profitably! Being good with money is about getting into good financial habits and understanding the choices you make. Written in plain English and aimed at people who find financial planning too overwhelming, Sorting Out Your Finances For Dummies, Australian Edition, gives you the confidence to take stock, set goals and chase rainbows.

Discover how to: Work out a budget and stick to it Plan the times of your life Find a first rate financial planner Keep account of your cash, deal with debt and start saving Find the right loans for you and manage your mortgage Build wealth with managed funds, shares and property Prune your tax bill Work out a superannuation plan Once you've sorted out your finances, you'll get much more pleasure from the money you spend and the money you save.

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