Soviet and Russian Aircraft Engines: Tumansky R-29, Shvetsov Ash-82, Mikulin Am-34, Mikulin M-17, Klimov Rd-33, Shvetsov Ash-73, Klimov M-105 :  Tumansky R-29, Shvetsov Ash-82, Mikulin Am-34, Mikulin M-17, Klimov Rd-33, Shvetsov Ash-73, Klimov M-105 - Source Wikipedia

Soviet and Russian Aircraft Engines: Tumansky R-29, Shvetsov Ash-82, Mikulin Am-34, Mikulin M-17, Klimov Rd-33, Shvetsov Ash-73, Klimov M-105

Tumansky R-29, Shvetsov Ash-82, Mikulin Am-34, Mikulin M-17, Klimov Rd-33, Shvetsov Ash-73, Klimov M-105

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Paperback | 1 May 2010

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Purchase includes free access to book updates online and a free trial membership in the publisher's book club where you can select from more than a million books without charge. Chapters: Tumansky R-29, Shvetsov Ash-82, Mikulin Am-34, Mikulin M-17, Klimov Rd-33, Shvetsov Ash-73, Klimov M-105, Progress D-436, Charomskiy Ach-30, Klimov M-103, Powerjet Sam146, Saturn Al-31, Ivchenko Ai-25, Aviadvigatel Ps-90, Shvetsov Ash-62, Soloviev D-30, Klimov Rd-500, Klimov Vk-1, Klimov Vk-107, Lotarev Dv-2, Shvetsov M-11, Vedeneyev M14p, Charomskiy M-40, Lyul'ka Tr-1, Mikulin Am-37, Klimov Vk-106, Tumansky R-15, Kuznetsov Nk-12, Progress D-18t, Tumansky M-87, Tumansky R-25, Shvetsov M-71, Tumansky R-11, Tumansky Rd-9, Shvetsov M-25, Ivchenko Ai-26, Lyulka Al-7, Klimov M-120, Mikulin Am-35, Tumansky M-90, Lyul'ka Al-5, Shvetsov Ash-21, Saturn Al-41, Mikulin Am-38, Lyul'ka Tr-3, Tumansky R-13, Lyulka Al-21, Mikulin Am-42, Kolesov Rd-36-51, Kuznetsov Nk-32, Soloviev Design Bureau, Soloviev D-25, Npo Saturn Al-32, Kuznetsov Nk-8, Kuznetsov Nk-86, Kuznetsov Nk-14. Excerpt: PS-90 The Aviadvigatel PS-90 is a Russian high-bypass commercial turbofan rated at 16000 kgf (157 kN, 35,300 lbf ) thrust. It powers Russian airliners such as the Ilyushin Il-96 and the Tupolev Tu-204/Tu-214 series and transport aircraft such as the Ilyushin Il-76 . It is made by the Russian aircraft engine company Aviadvigatel, which is the successor of the soviet Soloviev Design Bureau . "PS" are the initials of Pavel Aleksandrovich Soloviev (Russian: ). Design and development With the advent of new generation of Russian airliners, Aviadvigatel developed the PS-90 to satisfy the demands of economy, performance and exhaust emissions. It represented a huge advance over previous generations of 1960s era Soviet engines. The PS-90 is almost double the efficiency of those engines and is reasonably competitive to the current generation of western engines. Design features It incorporates many firsts in a Russian eng...