Only some chapters could be shown because of limits on this website.
1 Chapter 17 The Hamilton Show
1 Reading Comprehension
2 Reading game: "Stress"
4 Reading game: "Build the House"
5 Speaking: clothing
6 Speaking: board game - dress sense
7 Chant: The Show
8 Listening: class jig-saw activity
9 Listening: video cloze activity
10 Dictation: pre-learn, aural or predict
11 Pronunciation: The Aussie English Sounds Chart
11 (revision from Books 1 & 2)
12 Pronunciation: the "twin" consonant sounds
13 Pronunciation: consonant to consonant linking sounds
14 Phonogram: "ew"
14 Tongue Twisters: "ew"
15 Conversation Bits: when the chips were down! unfazed! as cool as! in the nick of time!
16 Spelling: - ally & - ely endings for adverbs
17 Vocabulary: crossword
18 Vocabulary: blended and compound words
19 Figures of Speech: epiphoras
20 Proverbs: animals
21 Writing: information report (expository genre) ACSF 4.06
24 Parts of Speech: a definition of verbs
26 Grammar: active & passive voice
28 Verb Tenses: active & passive voices of tenses
29 Chapter 18 Going for Sunday Drives
29 Reading Comprehension
30 Reading Comprehension: anaphylaxis ACSF 3.03 & 3.04
35 Speaking: the Traditional Owners ACSF 3.07
36 Speaking: casual conversation
36 Board Game about travelling
37 Chant: Travel
38 Listening: aural dictation & text cloze
39 Listening: Mabo video cloze
40 Pronunciation: reminder
40 Pronunciation: Minimal Pairs /ÊEª/ and /EEª/
41 Phonogram: "a"
42 Conversation Bits: all ears
43 Spelling: Words with "g" - rules for pronunciations
44 Vocabulary: word families & match word meanings
45 Figures of Speech: oxymoron
46 Proverbs: journeys
47 Writing: argumentative essay 7 paragraphs (persuasive genre) ACSF 4.05 & 4.06
48 Writing: planning an argumentative essay
49 Writing: use your plan to write an argumentative essay
51 Parts of Speech: transitive & intransitive verbs
52 Grammar: nominalisation for academic writing
54 Verb Tenses: future & present simple for the future
55 Chapter 19 Guy Fawkes Night
55 Reading Comprehension
56 Speaking: neighbours
57 Speaking: neighbours board game
58 Chant: Nasty Neighbour
59 Listening: text cloze for Chapter 19 Guy Fawkes Night
60 Dictation: a running dictation
61 Pronunciation: practise the Aussie sounds
61 Pronunciation: blending together continuous consonant sounds
62 Phonograms: "e", "ea", "ee"
63 Conversation Bits: work wonders! kudos!
64 Spelling: suffixes to words ending with single consonants
65 Vocabulary: crossword
66 Figures of Speech: personification
67 Proverbs: insects
68 Writing: personify some fireworks (narrative genre) ACSF 3.05, 3.06
69 Writing: letter to the Editor (transactional genre) ACSF 3.05 & 3.06
71 Parts of Speech: verb phrases
72 Grammar: semicolons
73 Verb Tenses: use the correct tense in a newspaper article
74 Chapter 20 Pets
74 Reading Comprehension
75 Reading: scanning paragraphs for meaning
80 Reading: analysing a text ACSF 3.03 & 3.04
84 Speaking: changing the topic in a conversation
85 Chants: Pets
86 Listening: pair listening dictation
87 Dictation: aural
87 Dictation: in pairs
88 Pronunciation: linking sounds between 2 consonants
89 Phonograms: "ed"
89 Tongue Twisters: "ed"
90 Conversation Bits: it's better than nothing
74 Chapter 20 Pets
74 Reading Comprehension
75 Reading: scanning paragraphs for meaning