Special Education Law Annual Review 2021 : Special Education Law, Policy, and Practice - David F. Bateman
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Special Education Law Annual Review 2021

By: David F. Bateman, Mitchell L. Yell, Kevin P. Brady

Hardcover | 17 November 2022

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RRP $216.00



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This is the second annual Special Education Law Annual Review. This book provides an exhaustive presentation of all decisions in special education cases brought under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act hear by the U. S. Court of Appeals for 2021, presented by circuit.

The book reviews all policy documents related to the education of students with disabilities issued by the US Department of Education. This will include Dear Colleague Letters, question and answer documents, and published letters to specific individuals.

This book will provide a guide on how to read a case, a description of how a special education case progresses through the administrative and judicial system, the legal importance of policy documents, and websites for follow-up research related to special education law.

If there is any major federal legislation during the year (e.g., reauthorization of the IDEA, restraint and exclusion legislation) that will also be addressed in this book.

This book will be the comprehensive summary of the year in special education law, and will provide important information to graduate students in education, education administrators, teachers, and practicing attorneys regarding appropriate educational practices for students with disabilities.

Additionally, we will follow each section on case law and policy implications for educators. We will be including figures, tables, & checklists.

Industry Reviews

Bateman, Yell & Brady have added to their Special Education Law, Policy, and Practice series, providing the most up to date review of special education law. Comprehensive yet easy to understand for all professionals, this is a significant book for all educators, not just those that serve students with disabilities.

--Vicki A. McGinley, West Chester University

Bateman, Yell, & Brady have compiled an easy-to-follow, easy-to-use, and extensive anthology of the most recent SPED (special education) cases. The "unpublished" cases provide valuable information on the trends of cases. This is areference all school administrators and SPED teachers need to have and utilize.

--Teresa A. Stauffer, EdD, Northern Wyoming Community College District

Bateman, Yell, and Brady continue their admirable work with the Special Education Law Review 2021. The inclusion of policy letters, primer on dispute resolution, and glossary of legal terms creates an all-in-one resource for pre-service programs and for the field. The connections to evidence-based instruction and the application of recent case law decisions help practitioners refine their practice in ways that reflect emerging legal interpretations and improve service delivery for students.

--Joseph Cook, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Emerging scholars, lawyers, school administrators, mediation specialists, and other similar constituencies can be confident in using information from this book. The tone is practical, business-like, and non-threatening, and the total clarity of intent of the chapter layout makes navigation easy and thorough.

--Barbara Qualls, Stephen F. Austin State University

It is vital that special educators and administrators keep abreast of legal developments in special education, as well as have a clear and deep understanding of how the law influences the design and implementation of education for students with disabilities. Bateman, Yell, and Brady provide a clear, comprehensive and detailed review of the recent guidance and case law in the relevant categories of law. They also provide a concise summary statement regarding the significance of each case and decision to special educators. A must-have resource!

--Beverly Barkon, MSL, PhD, Professor Emerita, Carlow University and Founder of Future.Engaged

Special Education Law Annual Review 2021, authored by Bateman, Yell, and Brady, provides an incredible summary of major legal requirements for schools serving students with disabilities as well as a primer on dispute resolution and updated policy letters from the U.S. Department of Education. The up-to-date summary of legal cases provides the reader with a trove of real-life cases that can easily have application to individual schools and school districts. Readers can easily find cases that are applicable to their own districts, since this book is organized around specific legislative requirements. This book provides a comprehensive review of circuit and U.S. Courts of Appeals cases dealing with students with disabilities and IDEA and Section 504. It is unlikely that there is another source that provides such detailed and useful information for practitioners and administrators in an easily readable and researchable format.

--Tom E. C. Smith, University of Arkansas

The Special Education Law Annual Review 2021 is well organized and packed with relevant information. The delivery of curriculum to students in my educational law classes requires me to be up-to-date and current on content. This review provides a solid base upon which to build as I work to maintain credibility in an academic setting.

--Tom Harvey, Lamar University

There are many special education law texts on the market containing statutory and case law regarding special education.I have never, however, seen such a comprehensive guide containing OCR (Office for Civil Rights) communications, instruction, and information on special education procedures such as due process hearings, an exhaustive list of cases from all circuits, and information on how to search for special education cases--and one so timely that it addresses the problems caused by COVID-19 for special education instruction. The most difficult aspect of teaching special education law is to cut through the very technical verbiage and provide practical information and advice. Bateman, Yell, and Brady have accomplished this through their inclusion of the policy behind the law and evidence-based practice examples to guide educators to ensure they are able to serve some of the most vulnerable; a population that continues to increase. Special Education Law Annual Review is an excellent resource to help current and future educators to respond to those issues through the novel and comprehensive contents of this work.

--Elizabeth Timmerman Lugg, JD, PhD, Illinois State University

This book is a critical publication for anyone in or working with children and families receiving special education services or supports. As either a foundational or supplemental material, the Special Education Law Annual Review makes keeping up with current legal and political contexts in the field easy. This is an absolute must for teachers and administrators, and is written in a way that is accessible to many other professions.

--Chelsea Morris, University of West Georgia

This book is helpful for educators as it provides an overview of the topics covered by the US Courts of Appeals in 2021. Teachers can see firsthand how challenging issues are resolved, which puts them in a better position to avoid problematic situations in the first place! A primer is included, which is helpful for making sense of the information in a compelling and interesting format with just enough detail so as not to overwhelm the reader. Website links are presented to research cases online for those who want to be able to look up information correctly in the future, as well as citations to review the complete case that pertains to a topic. The comprehensive summaries of each case are what set this book apart and keep the reader apprised of the latest information and principles related to FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education) and the LRE (Least Restrictive Environment) in order for teachers to develop legally sound and high-quality special education services and supports.

--Evan Borisinkoff, PhD, BCBA, LBA, Minot State University

This book is original and relevant for anyone in special education or for those teaching future special educators. The best part is the case summaries, which gives the reader a quick brief of current cases including the issue, facts, ruling, and significance to special educators. This book would make an excellent supplement to any special education law class and would also be valuable to those looking to stay current on special education case law.

--Midge Simmons, Wayne State College Nebraska

This book presents a well-studied and analyzed approach, a real focus on how the latest events affect the development of special education services and/or how these may vary according to the application of the law, and a detailed and specific structure of information by importance and relevance.

--Lyliana Rivera, NOVA Southeastern University and Caribbean University

This textbook is a must-have for novice and veteran special education teachers and administrators. The up-to-date material provides a complete overview of current special education law, including new and vital information, and will help support school districts in navigating the regulations for OSEP (Office of Special Education Programs) and interpret new case law.

--Tori L. Colson, EdD, University of Southern Indiana

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