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Stealth Aircraft Origami : Dover Crafts: Origami & Papercrafts - Jayson Merrill

Stealth Aircraft Origami

By: Jayson Merrill

Paperback | 18 March 2020

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Advanced paperfolders can get stealthy with eight finely detailed bombers and fighters.

Based on actual American, Russian, Chinese, and Japanese stealth aircraft, the full-colour and camouflaged models include: US B-2 Spirit stealth bomber, Northrop Grumman US B-21 Raider Strategic stealth bomber, Northrop Grumman US F-117 Lockheed Martin Nighthawk stealth attack aircraft US F-22 Lockheed Martin Raptor fighter jet US F-35 Lockheed Martin Lightning fighter jet Russian Sukhoi T-50 stealth fighter jet Chinese Chengdu J-20 Mighty Dragon fighter jet Japanese Mitsubishi X-2 "Spirit of the Heart" fighter jet Military enthusiasts, history buffs, and experienced origamists will appreciate this unusual opportunity to re-create models based on real aircraft.

About the Author

Jayson Merrill is the author of Dover's Warigami and the bestselling Origami Aircraft. He lives in Oakdale, Louisiana.

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