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Stella the Silkworm : Kids Story Book : Insects Series - Steve Parish

Stella the Silkworm

Kids Story Book : Insects Series

By: Steve Parish

Paperback | 28 February 2014

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Through engaging images and a witty story, this Stella the Silkworm Story Book teaches children about the needs and environments of the silkworm.

This Story Book features:
  • A glossary of technical or tricky words.
  • Factual information about the silkworm.
  • A fact-file of the silkworm's lifecycle.
  • Two free downloadable worksheets.
  • Australian Science Curriculum links.
  • Stunning Australian photography.
About the Series: Winner of the 2014 Whitley Award for Best Children's series, the Steve Parish Insect Story Book range was written by award-winning author and primary school science teacher Rebecca Johnson, who has written more than 60 books for children.

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