1: Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa, Steffen Harzsch and Günter Purschke: Introduction
2: Adrian Horridge: Perspective - How to write an Invertebrate Anatomy Book
3: Sally P. Leys and Nathan Farrar: Porifera
4: Detlev Arendt: Perspective - Evolution of neural cell types
5: Thomas Leitz: Cnidaria
6: David K. Simmons and Mark Q. Martindale: Ctenophora
7: Andreas Hejnol: Acoelomorpha
8: Thomas Stach: Xenoturbella
9: Heinrich Reichert and Nadia Riebli: Perspective -The first brain
10: Volker Hartenstein: Free living Plathelminthes
11: Natalia M. Biserova: Neodermata
12: Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa: Gnathostomulida
13: Rick Hochberg: Rotifera
14: Henrike Semmler Le: Acanthocephala
15: Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa and Birgen H. Rothe: Gastrotricha
16: Pat Beckers and Jörn van Döhren: Nemertini
17: Andreas Wanninger: Kamptozoa (Entoprocta)
18: Julia D. Sigwart and Lauren H. Sumner-Rooney: Mollusca: Caudofoveata, Monoplacophora, Polyplacophora, Scaphopoda, Solenogastres
19: Andreas Wanninger: Mollusca: Bivalvia
20: Elena E. Voronezhskaya and Roger P. Croll: Mollusca: Gastropoda
21: Tim Wollesen: Mollusca: Cephalopoda
22: Conrad Helm and Christoph Bleidorn: Annelida: Myzostomida
23: Alen Kristof and Anastassya S. Maiorova: Annelida: Sipuncula
24: Günter Purschke: Annelida: Basal groups and Pleistoannelida
25: Stefan Richter, Thomas Stach and Andreas Wanninger: Perspective - Nervous system development in bilaterian larvae - testing the concept of 'primary larvae'
26: Alexander Gruhl and Thomas Schwaha: Bryozoa (Ectoprocta)
27: Carsten Lüter: Brachiopoda
28: Elena Temereva: Phoronida
29: Ricardo Neves: Cycliophora
30: Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa and Stephan Henne: Cycloneuralia
31: Corinna Schulze and Dennis Persson: Tardigrada
32: Georg Mayer: Onychophora
33: Gerhard Scholtz: Perspective - Heads and Brains in Arthropods: 40 years after the 'endless dispute'
34: Jürgen Rybak: Perspective - Brain Atlases for studying neuronal circuitry in arthropods
35: Georg Brenneis: Pycnogonida (Pantopoda)
36: Barbara Battelle, Andy Sombke and Steffen Harzsch: Xiphosura
37: Harald Wolf: Scorpiones
38: Tobias Lehmann, Roland R. Melzer, Marie Hörnig, Peter Michalik, Andy Sombke, and Steffen Harzsch: Arachnida (exkl. Scorpiones)
39: Andy Sombke and Jörg Rosenberg: Myriapoda
40: Angelika Stollewerk: Perspective - Evolution of neurogenesis in arthropods - open questions and future directions
41: D.C. Sandeman, J.L. Benton and B.S. Beltz: Research Spotlight - Adult neurogenesis in the decapod crustacean brain: The immune system supplies neural progenitors
42: Martin Stegner and Stephan Richter: Cephalocarida
43: Martin Fritsch and Stephan Richter: Maxillopoda and Branchiopoda
44: Torben Stemme and Steffen Harzsch: Remipedia
45: Manfred Schmidt: Malacostraca
46: Wolfgang Stein, Carola Städele and Carmen R. Smarandache-Wellmann: Perspective - Evolutionary aspects of motor control and coordination: the central pattern generators in the crustacean stomatogastric and swimmeret systems
47: Gabriella Wolff and Nicholas J. Strausfeld: Research Spotlight - The brain of Hexapoda
48: Silke Sachse and Bill S. Hansson: Research Spotlight - Olfactory coding in Drosophila melanogaster
49: Eric Warrant and Uwe Homberg: Research Spotlight - Insect polarisation vision: peripheral and central mechanisms
50: Steffen Harzsch, Ivan Perez and Carsten H.G. Müller: Chaetognatha
51: Vladimir Mashanov, Olga Zueva, Tamara Rubilar, Lucia Epherra and Jose E. García-Arrarás: Echinodermata
52: Thomas Stach: Hemichordata
53: Lucia Manni and Roberta Pennati: Tunicata
54: Thurston Lacalli and Thomas Stach: Acrania
55: Thurston Lacalli: Perspective - The Origin of Vertebrate Neural Organization