Supercharged Food for Kids : Building Stronger, Healthier, Brighter Kids from the Ground Up - Lee Holmes

Supercharged Food for Kids

Building Stronger, Healthier, Brighter Kids from the Ground Up

By: Lee Holmes

Paperback | 22 February 2016

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Recipes and meal solutions that not only taste delicious to kids, but deliver the nutrients needed to help sustain their energy levels, keep their mood up, concentrate and perform at their best.

Supercharged Food for Kids will inspire you to create fresh, wholesome and nutrient-rich meals that your children will enjoy again and again, giving them the energy and nourishment they need to thrive. You'll find recipes here that will please even the pickiest of little eaters!

With advice on how to avoid added sugar and processed foods, eating for allergies and intolerances, tips for busy families and even the lowdown on how to sneak superfoods into everyday meals, this book is full of resources to help establish positive eating habits for your kids that they can maintain for the rest of their lives.

Supercharged Food for Kids features old favourites such as pizza, nuggets, pasta and desserts reinvented using fresh, healthy ingredients, plus ideas for yummy snacks and school lunches that kids will actually want to eat. Think Cauliflower Mac and Cheese, Cacao Bomb Crackles, Cheesy Mini Tartlets, Crunchy Chicken Drummers, Watermelon Icy Poles and Savoury Breakfast Muffins, just for starters.

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