With her abundant experience with students from all around the world, her caring heart for them, and her listening ears to the Holy Spirit, Dr. Mary Lou gives us the wisdom to navigate cultural differences between Asia and the United States. I believe that Supracultural Gospel will encourage and strengthen Asian students spiritually-as it did me!
Miyuki Asada, MA (Japan)
TeachBeyond Global Member-Care Counselor for Single Women
Mary Lou is a warrior of prayer. Her prayers encourage those who are tempted to abandon their faith in Jesus because of their cultural background. Her intimate fellowship with internationals from many nations, especially Asian, along with her biblical and academic knowledge, have woven this book. For a quarter of a century, Mary Lou has been a lighthouse for me to know Jesus.
Michiko Takahashi, PhD (Japan)
Professor Emeritus, Tokyo Gakugei University, Japan
Author of Child Developmental Psychology and Graphic Developmental Psychology in Early Childhood
In my eyes, "global vision, missionary's heart" are the best words to describe Dr. Mary Lou. And this book perfectly reflects her vision and her heart. I believe that readers who have cross-cultural background or experience will benefit from this book, just as I benefit from my mentorship with Dr. Mary Lou.
Bing Lui, MDiv, MA (China)
Translator; Instructor, Timothy Training International
As an InterVarsity staff and cross-cultural worker among international students, I have found Dr. Mary Lou to be a model of Christ's love for the world-devoted to Christ in her personal life and deeply committed to bringing the love of Christ to others, especially international students. Mary Lou is keenly aware of cross-cultural differences and compassionate toward the stresses internationals face in American culture. Her identification with spiritual leaders in other cultures should help us look beyond our own cultural insularity, identify with the common struggles we share with Christians in many cultures, and inspire a wide readership.
Ned Hale, MDiv (US)
National Archivist, InterVarsity USA
Former National Director of International Student Ministry, InterVarsity USA
I was so excited when I heard that Dr. Mary Lou is authoring this book! I have never seen such passion from a pastor to help us Asian international students maintain and grow in our faith when we go back to our respective countries. This book addresses critical issues for us in contextualizing our faith in our home context, since so much of the doctrine and theology that shape our faith are from a Western perspective.
Hanny Tishriana Wuysang, MA (Indonesia)
Counselor Education doctoral student, Western Michigan University
Dr. Alex Zhou leaves me deeply impressed with his determination to understand God's Word. I invited Alex to assist me in evaluating Bible study materials for usage at the Island ECC (Evangelical Community Church). Alex devoted a tremendous amount of time to reading the materials, yet his passion for understanding God's Word never waned, even as we studied for hours every week for two months. Alex not only studies the Bible, but also practices God's Word in his everyday life.
Alan Leung (Hong Kong)
Deputy Director of Men's Ministry, Island Evangelical Community Church, Hong Kong