?These volumes are chock full of arguments in a way that stands out in this field. . . . This is a remarkable, generational work that will become the resource in philosophical theology.?
?J.P. Moreland, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Biola University
?An enormous undertaking. However, Craig?s past record indicates that he can and will carry it through to completion. Furthermore, his established reputation. . . guarantees that the work will attract wide interest and will have a ready readership.?
?William Hasker, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, Huntington University
A transformative journey through Christian doctrine, Volume IIa. On God: Attributes of God
William Lane Craig?s Systematic Philosophical Theology is a multi-volume explication of Christian doctrine in the classic Protestant tradition of the loci communes as seen through the lens of contemporary analytic philosophy. Uniquely blending the disciplines of biblical theology, historical theology, and analytic theology, these volumes aim to provide readers with a biblical and philosophically coherent articulation of a wide range of Christian doctrines.
Volume II treats the locus On God in two parts. The first part, Volume IIa. Attributes of God, explores the coherence of theism. Conceiving of God as an infinite and personal being of maximal greatness, Craig carefully defines and explicates the divine attributes of incorporeality, necessity, aseity, simplicity, eternality, omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence, and goodness.
In the second part, Volume IIb. Excursus on Natural theology, The Trinity, Craig examines six arguments for God?s existence, including the argument from contingency, the kal?m cosmological argument, the argument from the applicability of mathematics, the argument from cosmic fine-tuning, the moral argument, and the ontological argument, along with the problem of evil. Following the excursus, he transitions to an articulation and defence of Christian theism, formulating a biblical doctrine of the Trinity and offering a model of God as a tripersonal soul.