Take Three Girls - Cath Crowley

Take Three Girls

By: Cath Crowley, Simmone Howell, Fiona Wood

Paperback | 29 August 2017

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3 award-winning authors.
1 compelling book.

ADY - not the confident A-Lister she appears to be.
KATE - brainy boarder taking risks to pursue the music she loves.
CLEM - disenchanted swim-star losing her heart to the wrong boy.

All are targeted by PSST, a toxic website that deals in gossip and lies. St Hilda's antidote to the cyber-bullying? The Year 10 Wellness program. Nice try - but sometimes all it takes is three girls.

Exploring friendship, feminism, identity and belonging. Take Three Girls is honest, raw and funny.

Review by Tanaya Lowden

Take Three Girls is an honest and unflinchingly real depiction of teenage girls in the technology-savvy society of today. It deals with themes of cyber-bullying, friendship, body image, sexuality, and generally about the pressures that teenage girls face on a day-to-day basis. It is a genuinely Australian coming-of-age story that is beautifully written and highly relatable!

When a Year 10 Wellness program is established at St Hilda’s, Kate, Ady and Clem are unexpectedly brought together as a group. Coming from different social circles and facing differing challenges, the girls don’t expect to become friends. But one thing they all have in common is being targeted by PSST, a site devoted to gossip and slander. And so a friendship is born.

This book, if nothing else, is empowering. It deals with both body and slut shaming, and our three protagonists unite to stand against this despicable behaviour. Our protagonists look out for each other and support one another, and I loved that. Every teenage girl should read this book, if only to know that they are not alone when dealing with societal pressures.

Take Three Girls is an outstanding, relatable read, and Australian YA Fiction at its finest. A must read!

About the Author

Take Three Girls is a collaboration between award-winning, internationally published authors Cath Crowley, Simmone Howell and Fiona Wood. With its themes of friendship, feminism, identity and belonging, it is honest, raw and funny, a novel that will strike a chord with young readers everywhere.

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