Taoist Sex Education - Patricia Müller

Taoist Sex Education

By: Patricia Müller

Paperback | 15 April 2023

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Ancient guide for the modern lover. Inspired by an ancient Chinese scripture (where Yellow Emperor Huang Ti dialogues with his three love counselors) Patricia Muller uses, to downplay the subject, the formula of the short story and thus makes us spy on what is said and taught to young Prince Huang Ti, the future great Yellow Emperor, before his coronation on the subject of love and sex. But not only that In the present book we will learn about the famous 36 Stratagems (a 'must' for those dealing with the Far East) applied for the first time to seduction. We will learn about ancient strategies for conceiving a child, having a satisfied partner, and how we should furnish the bedroom. These are just a few topics covered. The text is supplemented and illustrated with numerous drawings, diagrams, and photos.

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