Targeting Mental Maths Year 2 : Australian Curriculum Edition (New Edition) - Judy Tertini

Targeting Mental Maths Year 2

Australian Curriculum Edition (New Edition)

By: Judy Tertini

Paperback | 20 January 2010

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When children can solve problems in their heads they feel more confident in their own abilities. The development of mental computation progresses through a range of strategies that can be improved by regular practice.

The six books (Year 1 to Year 6) in the Targeting Mental Maths series target the structured development of children's mental maths strategies.

Each double-page weekly unit includes an explanation and practice of a specific mental strategy alongside sets of focused questions that reinforce important basic facts. The problem of the week is a motivating problem that gets children thinking and applying their mathematical skills.

This series is part of the Targeting Maths scheme of Student Books, Teaching Guides, Assessment Books and CD-ROMs. The first maths scheme to make teaching and learning mathematics truly enjoyable for all!

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