Teaching Reading Fundamentals and Strategies with Social-Emotional Learning - Marjorie S. Schiering

Teaching Reading Fundamentals and Strategies with Social-Emotional Learning

By: Marjorie S. Schiering (Editor)

eBook | 15 December 2023

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This book provides six different strategies for teaching the fundamentals of reading with social-emotional learning in mind. With engaging lesson plans, there is a strategy for every learner, including the teaching of thinking with reciprocity among three Phases, and recognizing feelings with distinguishing thinking from feelings, as well as their impact on teaching and learning. Memory and comprehension types are also given attention. Oral reading guidelines and silent reading directives are provided along with emphasis on differentiated instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners. Awareness of how everything in the classroom is connected to social-emotional learning helps meet the needs of all learners.
