Terrorism : Perspectives from the Social Sciences - Murat Haner


Perspectives from the Social Sciences

By: Murat Haner, Melissa Sloan

Paperback | 27 January 2025

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Terrorism: Perspectives from the Social Sciences uses a research-based approach to analyze terrorism and terrorist groups and to develop policy making guidelines. Real-world case studies and a dedicated art program are used to engage readers and demonstrate the severe, wide-ranging, and multifaceted impacts of terrorism and terrorists' actions. The inclusion of the empirical literature and emphasis on the application of social science theory makes the text useful to students and academics in the disciplines of criminology/criminal justice, political science, sociology, and interdisciplinary terrorism studies.
Industry Reviews
"This is a quality text that will both engage and inform your students. The primary strengths are the quality of writing, comprehensive coverage of the topic, and the currency and relevancy of examples. The text looks both comprehensive and balanced and comes across with noteworthy accessibility. The author's writing is exceptional, the examples pertinent, and the work is based upon quality references."--Erich Gene Frankland, Casper College "A well-balanced, engaging look into the field of terrorism. It is appropriate for a student's first educational dive into terrorism as it takes you from the basics through advanced information and detailed coverage. This is a fun and interesting read that grabs your attention, and I cannot state enough how much the photos help to bring the coverage of the topic to life."--Nicole Doctor, Ivy Tech Community College "This text provides a fresh and engaging perspective on terrorism. It is very well illustrated and plainly written, which would make it appealing to students, and topics often ignored--such as women and terrorism--would add a new dimension to my introductory courses." --William Corbett, New Mexico State University

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