Testamentary Trusts: The Australian Master Guide : 3rd Edition - Vik Sundar

Testamentary Trusts: The Australian Master Guide

3rd Edition

By: Vik Sundar

Paperback | 25 October 2021 | Edition Number 3

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Building on the success of the 2nd edition (previously titled Testamentary Trusts: Strategies and Precedents), the 3rd edition has been expanded to include updated precedents, case law analysis and commentary dealing with developments in taxation, family law, superannuation and asset protection law.

As the only dedicated text on testamentary trusts in Australia, Testamentary Trusts: The Australian Master Guide, 3rd edition is a must have for any estate planning practitioner, financial adviser or accountant that advises on testamentary trusts.

The central purpose of this book is to provide a flexible and easy-to-use system for drafting discretionary testamentary trusts. The system is intended to allow practitioners to deal with what has always been a very complicated and difficult problem: modifying a discretionary testamentary trust precedent to accommodate the widely different family circumstances and testamentary wishes which testators present to the drafter.

To this end, this book includes:
  • A discretionary testamentary trust precedent including commentary and explanatory notes;
  • Variation precedents to allow will drafters to modify discretionary testamentary trusts;
  • A protective testamentary trust precedent including variations for a disabled beneficiary;
  • A single testamentary trust precedent for a family group;
  • Right of residence and capital protected trust precedents;
  • Detailed commentary on social security, taxation and superannuation legislation;
  • Analysis and commentary on superannuation, bankruptcy and family law cases;
  • Blended family and family provision strategies; and
  • Precedents and guidance for the establishment and administration of testamentary trusts.
  • Authoritative and comprehensive
  • Nationwide coverage
  • Detailed precedents drafted by experts
Related Titles
  • Birtles, C; Neal, R; & Sims Z. Hutley’s Wills and Precedents, 10th ed, 2020
  • Perkins, M and Monahan, R Estate Planning: A Practical Guide for Estate and Financial Services Professionals, 4th ed, 2015

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