The Adventures of Romy - Penelope Foote

The Adventures of Romy

By: Penelope Foote

eBook | 9 May 2015

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A warm-hearted early chapter book. Great family read-aloud. Romy was a gypsy boy, eight years old with bright eyes that missed very little. Life moved at a slow, easy pace for Romy's family. Their home was a brightly painted gypsy caravan faithfully pulled by Seth, their old carthorse. He had been walking the country roads for so long that Romy's Pa reckoned he could do it blindfold now. Their backyard was the fields, streams and winding roads that led them into the country villages and then out again.

Romy was a happy boy but for one thing. He longed for a puppy. Then one day, he makes a find that will change his life. Follow Romy's joy and tears as the adventures unfold. Great family reading.
