The Afterlife Bible : The Complete Guide to Otherworldly Experience - Sarah Bartlett

The Afterlife Bible

The Complete Guide to Otherworldly Experience

By: Sarah Bartlett

Paperback | 2 February 2015 | Edition Number 1

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The Afterlife Bible is not only a definitive companion to the beliefs, history, mythology, and science of the afterlife, but also a practical guide to working within the spiritual realm for comfort and healing in this life.

Revealing the fascinating beliefs in the afterlife, from ancient myth and religion to contemporary spiritual faiths, including the places, encounters, and supernatural contacts between worlds, The Afterlife Bible also looks at the role of mediums and healers, and the scientific and psychic evidence for their practice.

In the practical sections of the book, learn how to meet the spiritual beings who dwell beyond the earth plane, from spirit guides to guardian angels, and discover the soul's journey through past lives and current regression techniques. Exercises include meditation, channelling, dream work, astral travel, scrying, mediumship, and automatic writing to help you connect with the worlds beyond.

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