The Air Dancer of Glass - Catherine Bateson

The Air Dancer of Glass

By: Catherine Bateson

Paperback | 3 May 2004 | Edition Number 1

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Sometimes you just happen to be in the right place at a time when history is being made - but that doesn't mean anything by itself.

Anyone can be in that place and turn their back on it. You have to be prepared to act. Lulianne is an Airdancer of the cirque d'Espoir. With her pink dreadlocks, ribbons and bells, she embodies strength, vitality and grace. Egan, a hunter and gardener, has led a very different life in the seclusion and peace of Clan. They meet in the crowded contamination of Tip, where the flames of revolution smoulder. Together anything is possible, and the world they know will be altered forever.

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