Introduction: A Framework for the Analysis of Macroeconomics and Electoral Politics | |
Macroeconomic and Institutional Background | |
The Demand for Economic Outcomes | |
The Supply of Economic Outcomes | |
Macroeconomic and Institutional Background | |
Postwar American Macroeconomic Performance in Historical Perspective | |
Growth and Unemployment | |
Inflation | |
The Bias toward Inflation | |
Monetary Policy, the Financial System, and Economic | |
Stabilization | |
Fiscal Policy and Economic Stabilization | |
The Security-Inflation Trade-Off | |
The Costs of Unemployment | |
Defining, Interpreting, and Measuring Unemployment | |
The Aggregate Costs of Unemployment | |
The Incidence of Unemployment | |
The Costs of Unemployment to Individuals | |
The Costs of Inflation | |
Defining and Measuring Inflation | |
Recent Trends and Fluctuations in the Underlying Inflation Rate | |
Inflation and the Distribution of Personal Income | |
Inflation and Personal Income Growth Rates | |
Inflation and Corporate Profitability | |
Saving, Investment, and Inflation | |
Inflation's True Costs | |
The Demand for Economic Outcomes | |
Public Concern about Inflation and Unemployment | |
The Salience of the Economy as a Public Issue | |
The Distribution of Concern about Inflation and Unemployment in the General Electorate | |
The Distribution of Concern about Inflation and Unemployment among Income, Occupational, and Partisan Groups | |
Macroeconomic Performance and Mass Political Support for the President | |
The Political Support Model | |
Empirical Results | |
A Concluding Word on the Economy and Political Support for Presidents | |
Economic Performance and the 1980 and 1984 Elections | |
Landslide Elections in Recent History | |
Election Cycle Economics in 1980 and 1984 | |
Rule-of-Thumb Statistical Models for Presidential Voting Outcomes | |
Evidence from the Surveys | |
Implications for the Future of Conservative Republicanism | |
The Supply of Economic Outcomes | |
Political Parties and Macroeconomic Policies and Outcomes | |
The Party Cleavage Model | |
Unemployment and Real Output under the Parties | |
Empirical Results for the Models | |
Distributional Outcomes under the Parties | |
Macroeconomic Policies | |
Political Business Cycles | |
The Theory of Election Cycles | |
Empirical Analysis of Election Cycles | |
Election Cycles and Partisan Cycles | |
Politics and the Economy | |
Macroeconomic and Distributional Outcomes during Reagan's First Four Years | |
Macroeconomic Goals, Policies, and Outcomes under Reagan | |
Distributional Politics and Partisan Cleavages in Congress | |
Distributional Consequences of the Reagan Fiscal Program | |
The Legacy of Reaganomics to the American Political Economy | |
Notes | |
Index | |
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