The Anti-Cool Girl : Brutal, brave, hilarious - a full-frontal memoir about surviving the very worst that life can throw at you. - Rosie Waterland

The Anti-Cool Girl

Brutal, brave, hilarious - a full-frontal memoir about surviving the very worst that life can throw at you.

By: Rosie Waterland

Paperback | 1 September 2015

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A dark, funny and subversive memoir about surviving the very worst that life can throw at you, Rosie Waterland's story of her coming of age is a blackly comic Australian memoir for our times and a clarion call for all anti-cool girls everywhere.

Rosie Waterland is the survivor of one of the most appalling childhoods since Augusten Burroughs. There were rehab stays and AA meetings. there were overdoses, dramas, suicide attempts. There were narrow escapes from drug dealers, not to mention a numerous round of dodgy men in and out of her mother's life. They endlessly moved houses, countries, schools, squats. There was neglect, endless DOCS workers and the occasional abusive foster parent. Rosie and her sisters became Mormon, Catholic, Wiccan, Christian. There was a second marriage and divorce. Rosie watched as her dad passed out/was arrested/vomited/cried. There were frustrated family members with no time for kids. Rosie had to talk her mum out of killing herself and watched as her dad's coffin was lowered into the ground.

But Rosie is far more than the sum of her parts.

The quality that lies at the heart of Rosie's appeal is her straight-up, unaffected directness - her ability to say what she really thinks, to call it as she sees it. She's kind of an Everygirl. The Anti-Cool Girl that we all want to be. She's funny, honest and inspirational. She is our Caitlin Moran, our very own Lena Dunham, and she will tell a uniquely Australian story, in only the way that a straight-talking Australian girl can say it.

Think Angela's Ashes crossed with Lena Dunham, with a dash of Chopper Read.

About the Author

Rosie Waterland is a media phenomenon. Only 25 years old, she rose to fame in 2014 with her laugh-out-loud funny recaps of The Bachelor, which had people clicking onto the Mamamia website in astounding numbers. Towards the end of the season, Mamamia was seeing daily traffic of over one million hits on the days her recaps appeared. Richard Glover called what she did 'the best television writing since Clive James'. Her Facebook page hit 20,000 likes in its first week. The Bachelor recaps she wrote had 6.6 million unique readers and 450,000 Facebook shares. This is her first book.
Industry Reviews
'If Augusten Burroughs and Lena Dunham abandoned their child in an Australian housing estate, she'd write this heartbreaking, hilarious book. It made me laugh uproariously, then feel terrible for her, then laugh all over again. Sorry, Rosie.'
Dominic Knight, The Chaser