The Australian Vegetable Garden : What's New is Old - Clive Blazey

The Australian Vegetable Garden

What's New is Old

By: Clive Blazey

Paperback | 21 May 2012 | Edition Number 2

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In this fantastic book, completely revised and updated, you'll learn the secrets to growing your own fabulous, fresh produce using the gardener's inheritance - heirloom vegetables. Heirlooms are tastier, more diverse and produce higher yields than commercially grown varieties. Features practical information and expert advice on cultivation as well as the best vegetables to grow for taste, ornamental value and self sufficiency.

Accompanied by stunning colour photographs and charts, as well as a unique climatic map showing optimal regional growing seasons, this book will become your essential guide to growing your own vegetables, whether you have a large plot of land or only a small backyard.

About the Author

Clive Blazey is the founder and CEO of The Digger’s Club. He has helped write four books on flowers, vegetables and fruit gardening. He is a leading opponent of genetically modified seeds and the commoditisation of our supermarket-driven food supply. The club has pioneered the rescue of heirloom vegetable and fruit varieties. Through its nursery, two gardens and bimonthly magazines it seeks to preserve our finest varieties and traditions.

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