The Authentic Self in Educational Leadership - John A DuBois

The Authentic Self in Educational Leadership

By: John A DuBois

Booklet | 10 August 2010

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Thank you for the opportunity to share this inquiry research project (master's thesis) with you. Throughout my graduate studies at Antioch University Seattle, I found myself asking the following questions:
  1. How will I gain experience as an adult educator?
  2. What will be the platform by which I will teach?
  3. How will I be able to demonstrate the skills and knowledge acquired throughout my academic program to others?
Critical reflection on these initial inquiry questions revealed the following premise: " "When a student is actively engaged in the learning process, whom are they most likely to learn from the most - the professor(s) or their peers? In most cases, the student is apt to learn from their peers and from their own personal learning experiences. Therefore, "Students Teach Students." Parallel to answering these inquiry questions, I began framing the principle research question for my master's thesis and the beginning of my life's work as an adult educator, "What does it mean to be an authentic educational leader?" This question would guide my journey into the "The Life Stage of An Adult Learner," "Transformative Learning," "Education," "Professional Education Programs," and "Professional Development" (Leadership Development). " Analysis of this research question would reveal the following principles and practices essential to becoming an authentic educational leader:
  1. The first and foremost responsibility of any educator is to be a servant to the academic institution and community in which they reside. The secondary responsibility as an educator is to impart wisdom and knowledge to each student, while continually establishing, maintaining, and encourage growth in a positive learning environment.
  2. Educators provide instruction and support each student through guidance, inspiration, influence and direction, whereby students are afforded the opportunity to become socially competent individuals.
  3. Educators are to be mindful of the cultural differences while providing instruction to others.
  4. Relationships are crucial and essential to and for the success of the student and teacher.
  5. Educators must be authentic and transparent through self-reflection and systematic analysis, which ultimately leads to personal insight and wisdom on effective and responsible leadership.
Therefore, it is with great pleasure to share with you these findings and many more truths essential through the journey of becoming an "Authentic Educational Leader."

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