The Awakening - Kate Chopin

The Awakening

By: Kate Chopin

Hardcover | 10 November 2015

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Unprecedented in its complex and sensual portrayal of extra-marital love, Kate Chopin's The Awakening is a classic feminist novel that heralded the arrival of modern American literature. A sensation when it was first published in 1899, Chopin's compelling prose continues to enchant readers with its beauty. The book centers on a New Orleans woman who, stifled by her commitment to a dreary marriage, discovers true love and creative passion when she begins a scandalous affair with a handsome young man.

In addition to offering modern readers a window into Gilded Age sensibilities and social norms, The Awakening continues to present a nuanced and insightful portrait of early 20th Century femininity and one woman's attempt to break free from its confines.

Readers interested in related titles from Kate Chopin will also want to see: The Awakening (Dover Thrift Editions) (ISBN: 9781626542976 ).

Other Editions and Formats


Published: 1st April 1985


Published: 1st January 2011


Published: 16th July 2016


Published: 18th June 2018

In Stock and Aims to ship in 1-2 business days

Published: 19th October 2013

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