Two music obsessives embark on a hilarious quest to track down Buttery Cake Ass' Live In Hungaria, an album as legendary as it is obscure. Their pursuit of one of the greatest bands ever unknown takes them down many a bizarre path teeming with grand ideas and grander egos in this ode to record shopping and what it's like to be in your first band. Packed with puns, allusions, and references across a wide range of culture, both popular and not, Stone offers up a big slice of the fun and frustration of playing rock n roll.
"like being taken on a rock n roll road trip by Holden Caulfield with a head injury in the best of ways." - Dave Hill, comedian, rocker, awesome dude
"humour of the absurdist school pitched somewhere between Monty Python and Spinal Tap" - Louder Than War
"What really propels the story forward, is Stone's narrative voice?—?comic and wistful, shot through with a lackadaisical intelligence, and injected with a heavy dose of the countercultural tone that created both Thomas Pynchon and indie-rock music journalism." - Brian Slattery, New Haven Independent
"reads as if Douglas Adams wrote it if he was raised in a record shop by Monty Python and Kurt Vonnegut" - Lance Marwood,