The Big Book of Girl Stuff : Children's Activity - Bart King

The Big Book of Girl Stuff

By: Bart King

Paperback | 1 September 2014

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As a middle school teacher, author Bart King listened carefully to the wisdom of his girl students. Along with his five sisters (!), their knowledge made 'The Big Book of Girl Stuff' a classic that Parenting magazine has called "a must-have for girls." This updated and redesigned edition of 'The Big Book of Girl Stuff' is still loaded with fascinating facts, activities, quotes, games, and insightful information and advice on important topics. This humorous and informative resource is filled with everything a girl needs to know and celebrates all the things that make being a girl so wonderful. And not only is it a perfect handbook for preteens, 'tweens, and teens, but it will delight moms, aunts, and big sisters as well! AGES: 8-12 AUTHOR: Bart King writes funny-and educational!-books for kids and immature adults. (His title 'The Big Book of Boy Stuff' was once's top-selling children's book.) As a young lad, Bart discovered he could punch people into outer space. Sadly, he lost a lot of friends that way. Today, Bart is recognised as one of the world's leading superhero experts. (And as a longtime middle school teacher, he is also highly sought after by supervillains!) Illustrated
Industry Reviews
Bart King is my new hero. On the surface, his books might look like they're getting by on being similar to the ubiquitous Dangerous Book for Boys. King's pocket guides-with illustrations of paper airplanes, Chuck Taylors, and a slingshot on their covers-do cash in on that kind of scrappy retro charm. But these books are something entirely different. These books are hilarious. And informative-if you want to know how to get the best of your nemesis or play toilet tag. What makes these special is not only that they're well-written, well-designed, and funny, but also that they present information that is actually new and actually useful (again, useful to the sorts of people who like to play toilet tag). A few tantalizing sample tastes: From The Pocket Guide to Mischief: "You'll need some cream cheese. First, roll the deodorant out maybe half an inch . . ." From The Pocket Guide to Games: "Fill several balloons with water, and hang one from a tree . . ." From The Pocket Guide to Boy Stuff: "Here are two hand-grenade designs that you can use that won't start a fire . . ." If these don't seem gender-neutral enough, and you have a daughter who is into this kind of thing, rest assured that Bart King also has girl versions: The Big Book of Girl Stuff gracefully and barely touches on puberty, but includes plenty of pranks, code names, and hijinx for kids who like bright pink more than baseballs on the covers of their books. Should someone you know be interested, visit the author's web site: It includes video clips illustrating some of the guides' proposed activities!--Katy Killilea"Kidoinfo" (04/22/2009)

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