Handbook Series Foreword: Guidance for Higher Education in a Troubled Time, Simon Marginson (Oxford University, UK)
Handbook Series Preface, Mary Drinkwater (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto; Yorkville University, Canada), Yusef Waghid (Stellenbosch University, South Africa) and Patrick Deane (Queen's University, Canada)
1. Introduction: Theoretical Grounding for Ethics of Care in Crises and Transformative Leadership in Higher Education: Insights from African and Indigenous Philosophy, Critical Posthumanism and Ecotistical Leadership, Mary Drinkwater (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto; Yorkville University, Canada) and Yusef Waghid (Stellenbosch University, South Africa)
Part I Ethic of Care in Leadership Praxis, Pedagogy and Well-Being
2. Learning to Practise Care-Centred Leadership in Times of Crisis and Change: Towards Possibilities for Embracing an Ethic of Care in Higher Education, Christie Schultz (University of Regina, Canada)
3. Contemplative Pedagogy for Well-Being in Higher Education and Beyond, Thomas Falkenberg (University of Manitoba, Canada)
4. Role of TAs in Assisting Japanese EFL-TEFL Teacher-Candidates, Robert McClung (Yorkville University, Canada), Rafael Nuyda (Macquarie University, Australia), Huong Isabelle T. Dinh (Macquarie University, Australia)
5. Prioritising Educator Well-Being in Support of Student Flourishing, Narelle Lemon (Edith Cowan University, Australia), Joanna Higgins (Victoria University, New Zealand), Linda Noble (City University, USA) and Malgorzata Powietrzynska (City University, USA)
6. Supporting Faculty Wellness Initiatives During Times of Crisis and Change, Sofia Georgiadou (University of Houston, USA; Yorkville University, Canada), Katrina McChesney (University of Waikato, New Zealand) and Jennifer Boswell (University of St. Thomas, USA).
Part II Ethic of Care in Cultivating and Sustaining Relationships
Within and Between Institutions
7. Bringing Caring, Community and Confrontation into the Academy: Embracing an Ethic of Care, Julia Christensen Hughes (Yorkville University, Canada)
8. Don't Worry, She'll Do It: Martyrdom as Leadership for Women in the Academy, Amy Burns (Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary, Canada)
9. (re)Imagining and Valuing Adjunct Faculty's Vast Funds of Knowledge, Erin Keith (St. Francis Xavier University, Canada) & Katie Maxwell (Yorkville University, Canada)
10. Care-centred Leadership in Collaborations between HEIs in the Caribbean and HEIs in the Global North, Sabita Ramlal (Prism Economics & Analysis, Canada) & Charmaine Bissessar (University of Guyana, Guyana)
11. Whole School Approaches to Sustainable Communities across Time, and Place: A Post-Qualitative Case Study of Cape Breton University, Canada, Patrick Howard (Cape Breton University, Canada); Christina Phillips (OISE, University of Toronto, Canada)
Part III Ethic of Care in Post-Human Relationships and Responsibilities
12. Transformative Leadership and the Ethics of Care: Relationships and Responsibilities in Higher Education, Caroline M. Shields (Wayne State University, Canada)
13. Capitalist Accelerationism and the Neoliberal University: Towards Intra-Active Higher Education Leadership, Petro Du Preez (North-West University, South Africa) & Lesley Le Grange (Stellenbosch University, South Africa)
14. A Transition Imagination for Higher Education Leadership, Elizabeth Lange (University of Technology-Sydney, Australia)
15. Digital Innovations in Higher Education to Reimagine the Relationship between Humans and the Natural Environment, Eliane Ubalijoro (McGill University, Canada), Jennifer Garard (Future Earth Canada) and Laetitia Pfeffer (Universite de Montreal, Canada)
16. Transforming Approaches to Reconciliation in Higher Education and Leadership through an Inclusive Practice of Indigenist Social-Ecological Resilience, Lewis Williams (University of Western Ontario, Canada), Danielle Alphonse (Vancouver Island University, Canada), Ullrich Kockel (University of the Highlands and Islands, Scotland) and Kikila Perrin (University of Victoria, Canada)
17. Conclusion: Lessons Learned and Ways Forward for Ethics of Care in Crises and Change for Transformative Leadership in Higher Education, Mary Drinkwater (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto; Yorkville University, Canada) and Yusef Waghid (Stellenbosch University, South Africa)