Foreword, Don C. Sawyer III (Fairfield University, USA)
Introduction: "Tell Them We Are Not Monsters," Erin S. Corbett (Second Chance Educational Alliance, USA)
Part I: Framing
1. Higher Education in Prison: Context & Connections, Tanya Wiggens (Pace University, USA)
2. The History of Federal Financial Aid for System-Impacted Students, Bradley D. Custer (United States Department of Education, USA)
3. "What Kind of Transformations Do We Seek Through Higher Education in Prison Programs?"
Jia Johnson (McCormick Theological Seminary, USA) and Mel Webb (University of Texas San Antonio, USA)
4. The Silver Tsunami: Elder Justice and Correctional Education for Reentry, Pamela Y. Keye (KEYE Global Group, USA)
Part II: Landscape
5. Teaching in Prison: Top Ten Things I've Learned Not to Do by Mistakenly Doing Them, Linda Meyer (Quinnipiac University, USA)
6. Prison Education and Training Tied to Labor Extraction and the Devaluation of Incarcerated Labor: An Indiana Case Study on the Impact of Prison Education and Training and Twenty-first Century Convict Leasing, Michelle Daniel Jones (Constructing our Futures, USA)
7. Living in Prison is Not Free: Cost of Attendance & College Affordability in Prison, Jarrod Wall (Tulane University, USA)
8. Imagine Who We Could Be if We Were Brave, Kyes Stevens (Alabama Prison Arts and Education Program, USA)
9. Dead by the Laws of Men Yet Speaketh: The Intersection Of Prison Writing And Education, Chandra Bozelko (Prison Diaries, USA)
10. Equipping Community Colleges to Provide Higher Education in Prison, Jennie Doke-Kerns (Des Moines Area Community College, USA)
11. Transforming Incarcerated Persons to Civility through Education: Lessons from Uganda, Aloysius Rukundo (Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Uganda)
12. Legal Education In Prisons In Kenya And Uganda; A Pathway To Freedom For Incarcerated People, Brenda M. Ambani (Justice Defenders, Kenya)
13. Professional Learning: Compliance, Training, and Professional Development, Peter Fulks (Cerro Cosso Community College, USA) and Alec Griffin (Cerro Cosso Community College, USA)
14. The Equitable Imperative of a Rich STEM Education, Sheila Meiman (National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA), USA) and Stanley Andrisse (Howard University College of Medicine, USA)
15. Educational Opportunities in Women's Correctional Facilities in Victoria: A Lived Experience Perspective, Jennifer Nicholls (Federation University, Australia)
16. Who do you think you are? The journey of a pakeha through prison education for Maori, Helen Farley (University of Canterbury, New Zealand)
Part III: Strategies and Thoughts for the Future
17. An Examination of Prison Postsecondary Education Programing in Mississippi: An HBCU Perspective, Rochelle Cobbs, Ora Starks, and Oko Elechi (Mississippi Valley State University, USA)
18. Stackable Credentials and Collegiate Pathway Innovations: Lessons from Southern New Hampshire University, Adeola Adeniyi (Southern New Hampshire University, USA) and Lowell Christopher Matthews (Southern New Hampshire University, USA)
19. Another Kind of Prison Education, David Garlock (Eastern University, USA)
20. 'Forgotten Prisoners' and the Inalienable Right to Education in Tanzania, Valeria Kyumana (Institute of Finance Management, Tanzania)
21. Preparing the World to Receive Them: Successful Hiring and Retention of Legal System-Impacted People in the Field of Higher Education in Prison, Sean Pica and Lila McDowell (Hudson Link Higher Education in Prison, USA)
22. Distance Education For The Incarcerated In Pakistan, Shahid Minhas (North West University South Africa, South Africa)
23. Welcoming Lived Experience Scholars in the Academy, Tina McPhee(University of New South Wales, Australia)
24. The University's Role in Reintegration, Charlen H. McNeil-Wade (University of Utah, USA)
25. Catalyzing Research in Higher Education in Prisons: Building a Research Infrastructure, MR Wilson and Kurtis Tanaka (Mellon Foundation, USA)
26. "The Light of Human Sunrises", Abraham Santiago (Second Chance Educational Alliance, USA), Erin Corbett (Second Chance Educational Alliance, USA), Kaia Stern (Harvard University, USA), and Mel Webb (University of Texas San Antonio, USA)