Notes on contributors | |
Series | |
Editor's | |
Preface | |
Acknowledgements | |
Introduction Mariam Fraser and Monica Greco | |
What is a Body? | |
Refiguring Bodies | |
The Experience of the Body and Classical Psychology Maurice | |
The Burden and Blessing of Mortality | |
Ethology, Spinoza and Us | |
Bodies that Matter | |
The Body and Social (Dis)order | |
Techniques of the Body | |
The Two Bodies | |
Embodied Information in Face-to-Face Interaction Erving Goffman | |
Belief and the Body Pierre Bourdieu | |
The Grotesque Image of the Body Mikhail Bakhtin | |
Civilisation and Psychosomatics | |
The Political Investment of the Body Michel Foucault | |
Bodies and Identities | |
Lesbian Bodies: Tribates, tomboys and tarts | |
Thin is the Feminist Issue | |
Ageing and its Embodiment | |
Divinity: A dossier, a performance piece, a little-understood emotion Eve Kofosky Sedgwick and Michael Moon | |
(Dis)identifications of Class: On not being working class Beverley Skeggs | |
In Novel Conditions: The cross-dressing psychiatrist Rosanne | |
Endangered/endangering: Schematic racism and white paranoia | |
Normal Bodies, or Not | |
Orgasm, Generation, and the Politics of Reproductive Biology | |
Measuring Heads | |
The Body in the Archive Alan Sekula | |
Visualising the Disabled Body: The classical nude and the fragmented torso | |
Bodies, Disability and Spaces: The social model and disabling spatial organizations | |
Monstruosity and the Monstrous Georges Canguilhem | |
Bodies in Health and Disease | |
Complex Systems Emily Martin | |
Portraits of People with AIDS | |
The Global Traffic in Human Organs Nancy | |
The Self Unmade: Embodied paranoia | |
Hypochondriasis: The ironic disease | |
Bodies and Technologies | |
Genetic Risk and the Birth of the Somatic Individual | |
The Biopolitics of Postmodern Bodies: Constitutions of self in immune system discourse | |
The Pleasure of the Interface Claudia Springer | |
Race Ends Here | |
IatroGenesis: The visible human project and the reproduction of life | |
Twice Dead: Organ transplants and the reinvention of death | |
Bodies in Consumer Culture | |
Soft-soaping Empire: Commodity racism and imperial advertising | |
The Finest Consumer Object: The body | |
The Commercialization of Discipline: Keep-fit culture and its values | |
The United Colors of Diversity: Essential and inessential culture | |
Enterprising Kinship: Consumer choice and the new reproductive technologies | |
Body Ethics | |
'Clay Cunningly Compounded' Peter Brown | |
'I do not want to look like | |
Survival as a Social Construct | |
The Body's Problems with Illness | |
The Structure of Torture Elaine Scarry Guide to | |
Further Reading | |
Index | |
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved. |