The Bomber Mafia : A Story Set in War - Malcolm Gladwell

The Bomber Mafia

A Story Set in War

By: Malcolm Gladwell

Paperback | 4 May 2021 | Edition Number 1

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A riveting tale of persistence, innovation, and the incalculable wages of war, from the international bestselling author of Talking to Strangers and host of the award-winning podcast Revisionist History

Most military thinkers in the years leading up to World War II saw the airplane as an afterthought. But a small band of idealistic strategists had a different view. This "Bomber Mafia" asked- What if precision bombing could, just by taking out critical choke points - industrial or transportation hubs - cripple the enemy and make war far less lethal? In The Bomber Mafia, Gladwell delves deep into questions of how technology and best intentions collide in the heat of war.

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