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The Call of the Wild : A Campfire Graphic Novel - Lloyd S Wagner

The Call of the Wild

A Campfire Graphic Novel

By: Lloyd S Wagner, Jack London, Sachin Nagar (Illustrator)

Paperback | 15 January 2013 | Edition Number 1

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The initial 16 Campfire series titles scheduled for the Fall 2010 list will launch a graphic novel line that will see significant growth in 2011 and beyond.

Buck is a four year old shepherd dog living a pampered life as an estate dog. His life changes when he is suddenly kidnapped and sold into service during the Klondike gold rush, for he is made to haul heavy sleds through the deep snow fields. Being in a new environment, he soon discovers his dominant primordial instinct. He learns not only to survive, but also flourishes in it.

Jack London's The Call of the Wild is a masterpiece in both its style, which set a standard for generations to come, and for its genre, raising adventure writing to the level of classic literature. Exciting and entertaining, Buck's story is also intelligent and thought provoking - a story for all ages.
Industry Reviews
"A top-notch graphic adaptation of one of my favorite classic novels. This graphic version is amazingly true to the novel. It evokes the same emotions and is as powerful a story as the novel. I can not think of anything that has been left out. . . . The illustrations are highly detailed with full backgrounds, using artistic devises and a pleasure to behold."

-- Back to Books

"Sachin Nagar's art brilliantly captures the cold openness of the Alaskan landscape, vividly and beautifully. In fact, it's hard to overstate it: The art here is simply breathtaking." -- John Hogan,

"I highly recommend Campfire's comics. They do what they are intended to do and do it in a way that excites kids about classic literature."

-- Chris Wilson, The Graphic Classroom (a resource for teachers and librarians)