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The Calm Code : Transform Your Mind, Change Your Life - Annie White

The Calm Code

Transform Your Mind, Change Your Life

By: Annie White, Jack Canfield (Foreword by)

Paperback | 9 September 2022

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The Calm Code is a revolutionary step-by-step method to minimize your stress and maximize your happiness.

Have you ever wondered why some people seem naturally relaxed and happy? They handle stressful situations in a balanced way. Seems like their mind is wired differently, right? Would you like to be one of those people? The Calm Code will show you how.

The Calm Code isn't a typical stress-relief book.

Dr. Annie won't tell you to eat kale, go to bed earlier, or put on workout clothes. She will give you step-by-step instructions to rewire your mind and transform your life. You'll get powerful science backed tools to overcome anxiety, reduce stress, worry, sadness, irritability, anger to help you eliminate negativity and stop overthinking so you can be the best version of yourself.

Happiness here you come.

If you're tense more often than relaxed, your mind is wired to be stressed.

Let's fix it.

The Calm Code gives you life-changing tools based on the science of neuroplasticity.You've read books that give you tips on stress reduction. This is different.The Calm Code will give you straightforward techniques based on neuroscience. You'll learn exactly how and when to do them to get that calm, happy mind and life you're craving. Each week you get new tools that will wire your mind to be relaxed, happy, and balanced. Every technique is very detailed so you know what to do and how to do it.

In just six weeks, you'll:

  • Be happier and much more relaxed.
  • Manage anxiety & respond to stress in a balanced way.
  • Eliminate irritability and outbursts - goodbye guilt!
  • Be able to focus and easily tackle your to-do list.
  • Have more fun with more energy.
  • Fall in love with your life.

It's time to live the calm, happy life you've been craving. Dr. Annie knows firsthand what it's like to live in "Stressville." As she says, she'd moved in and started decorating. This book is your map to life in "Calmtown." She can't wait to share it with you.

Industry Reviews

"This book can completely revolutionize your life. Dr. Annie White has developed a powerful step-by-step method to simply and quickly rewire your brain and eliminate the feelings of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm and replace them with a steady state of relaxation, balance and happiness. What I love most about this book is that it offers you a wide variety of simple yet effective techniques based on solid scientific research with lots of examples and details so that you can completely understand why you are doing them and exactly how to do them correctly. The two main reasons that you probably don't already utilize these simple practices that can revolutionize your life is because first - up until now - you were unaware of them, and second, you think they will take too much time. But as research in the field of neuroscience has now proven, you can have a new brain and a new more positive state of being by devoting as little as sixteen minutes a day for twelve weeks or less. Because of this book you no longer have any excuse not to be happy, relaxed and fulfilled. Enjoy the journey!"

- Jack Canfield, Coauthor of theChicken Soup for the Soul® series and The Success Principlesâ¢: How to Get from

Where You Are to Where You Want to Be

"My biggest complaint when it comes to self-help books, especially on anxiety, is that the advice they typically give is too superficial to make real or lasting change. Dr. Annie White has written an important book that can actually bring you to calm. That's no small accomplishment in a world whose biggest problems can readily be blamed on our faulty response to stress. The book is written in a particularly engaging, easy-to read and fun style. Be warned, however: once you start reading, you may not be able to put it down until finished, eager to glean all the nuggets of wisdom like I was."

Todd Pressman, Ph.D., author of Deconstructing Anxiety: 

The Journey from Fear to Fulfillment

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